Connect with Transit One through FaceBook or Attend One of Our Meetings. Find out how to Join Transit One! View our Board of Directors and Membership Roster. Request a Transit One presentation. Interested in a leadership role?  Contact us at 321-633-2003 or email us using the form below.

An overview of Transit One committee opportunities include but are not limited to:

  • Action Committee:  The Action Committee meets with officials and agencies; attends community functions to promote the goals and objectives of Transit One; and organizes and holds special events promoting the goals and objectives of Transit One.
  • Legislative Committee: The Legislative Committee is responsible for drafting Transit One’s legislative agenda and talking points for local, state and federal elected officials and legislative agencies. The legislative agenda shall drive the decision-making priorities of Transit One with regard to policies, positions and actions of Transit One.
  • Communications Committee: The Communications Committee manages Transit One media requests; writes press releases; conducts surveys; and manages social media and website content.
  • Nominating Committees: Nominations for election of Directors to the Board shall be made by the Nominating Committee as described in Article IV of the Transit One Bylaws.
  • Ad Hoc Committees: Ad Hoc Committees and task forces are formed to accomplish special goals or tasks of Transit One. Committee duties expire upon completion of the goals or tasks.


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Due to participation of government officials in Transit One’s membership and Board of Directors, it is probable that emails will be sent through governmental electronic mail systems. Therefore, in keeping with Florida laws, all e-mail addresses should be considered public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a Transit One public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity.

7380 Murrell Road, Suite 201 | Viera, FL 32940 | 321.242.1200 Ext. 4533